Release NoteVisual Python 2.3.5
Minju Kim1 May 2023 12:35
Hello sally.
I want to help you solve this problem, but we need more information about your situation.
Please create a new article in our "Community" page including the screenshots, platform what you use. Then I can help you more quickly.
I'll wait for your issue in Community page. Thanks.
* Link to Community page :
I want to help you solve this problem, but we need more information about your situation.
Please create a new article in our "Community" page including the screenshots, platform what you use. Then I can help you more quickly.
I'll wait for your issue in Community page. Thanks.
* Link to Community page :
Released on 04 April, 2023
Renewal version of Instance app
1. Edited Instance app to show preview
2. Edited Instance app to show option pages from pandas libraries
3. Added PandasOption app
4. Fixed Groupby bugs
5. Fixed Snippets app bug having problem on Jupyter Lab
6. Fixed some style bugs