GUI-based Python code generator

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Release NoteVisual Python 1.1.2

Views 4887

Released on May 17, 2021

Bug Fixes & Improvements 

General & System 

1. Block Menu Display 

- Display Library > Pandas blocks as extended.

2. Apply Function 

- Always activate the Apply button.

- Move focus (Scroll up and down) to the block when changes are applied.

- A Self-disappearing message box appears when changes are applied.

Blocks & Option 

1. Logic - class / def / return

- Improved UI design.

2. Library - Instance

- Selecting Data Type & Variable switches to the Attribute & Method selection page. 

- New variable(column) can be directly added from the Variable input box: Type the variable name and press the '+' icon.  

- Subset Editor only works with DataFrame or Series.

3. Library - Subset 

- Fixed : Invisible preview bug

**This version solved issues #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #22 on GitHub: Visual Python.

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