visualpy install dont work


Minju Kim27 Oct 2022 14:17
First we need to check some result from commands.
1. pip show visualpython
2. conda-env list
If you give us additional information for these commands' result, it will be easier to figure out this issue.
Thanks :)
1. pip show visualpython
2. conda-env list
If you give us additional information for these commands' result, it will be easier to figure out this issue.
Thanks :)
Hi everyone, I tred to install Visual python in the anaconda base pip instalattion works, but
>visualpy install #getting the following error?
Package install command: pip
find: 'Location': No such file or directory
find: '*': No such file or directory
Copy visualpython extension files ...
Source Dir : =\visualpython
Target Dir : =\nbextensions\visualpython
File not found - visualpython
0 File(s) copied
Its an error o I forgot some additional step, thanks for your answers