GUI-based Python code generator

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Release NoteVisual Python 1.0.2

Views 4977

Released on February 18, 2021

Bug Fixes & Improvements 

1. File Navigator

- Removed file type restrictions except .vp file and image file open and save.

- Removed focus when selecting a different path from sidebar menu.

2. Blocks 

- Applied Python CodeMirror to code blocks

- Library blocks created with a click, will be created on a new node without any focus. 

3. Window Resizing & Focus

- Expanded the max size of Visual Python full window.

- Unified all window resizing icons.

- Fixed : Window size error when adjusting the option window size on the initial screen.

- Fixed : Disabled Jupyter Notebook shortcuts when focus is on Visual Python window.

4. Input Type 

- Both direct and data selection inputs are allowed.

5. VP Note Open & Save

- Fixed : VP Note loading and saving errors.

- Fixed : Loading input data and code generating errors when new VP Note was opened.

* To apply improved features, existing files need to be opened, load input data(by clicking each blocks) and re-saved.

6. Code Generation 

- One node creates one cell on Jupyter Notebook.

- Removed alerts for requiring essential input value.

7. Common & Design

- Fixed Node/Text add button position on board when scrolling.

- Fixed : Word capitalization.

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